product gallery
Plåt & Mekano Romator manufactures mechanical components and complete systems for companies in the medical technology, industrial, electronics, construction/plumbing, defense, and telecom industries.

Our customers are in many different industries. Most customers are Swedish companies - from smaller local companies to larger companies with an export focus. We also have many years of experience doing business with international companies outside Sweden.
Product groups:
- Detail level plates; chassis, computer racks, screens, enclosures, electronics boxes, fronts, etc
- Assembled units such as machines, racks, cabinets, trolleys, sub-assemblies, etc
- Welded steel structures; pipe structures, welded aluminum boxes, etc
- Plastic products; protective visors, cough shields, table screens

Façade panels with hot-dip galvanized sheet metal punched with motifs

Adapter to VESA
-bracket in 2 mm steel and 5 mm aluminum with powder coating. P&M Romator designed the product according to the customer's wishes.

Punched and laser cut in a combi machine
Bent with 23 bends, material 1 mm aluminum.

Punched wedge
-in 1.5 mm stainless steel plate with and bent with oblique bends.

Cover for electronics
-in 1 mm aluminum, made in 2 parts, punched and bent in a press brake robot, and black anodized.

Laser-cut aluminium box
- with many qualities, assembled and salt bath soldered, then assembled with about 70 different fasteners.

Aluminium cover stamped and laser-cut
in 1 mm material, welded at the corners, yellow passivated, and screen printed.

Aluminium zinc sheet
which is laser cut and bent and with mounted fasteners.

Small rack
-for embedded computers, laser cut and punched in a combi machine, finely bent to tight tolerances, and assembled with a press nut.

Protective plate
-to a camera in thin stainless steel. It is laser cut/punched in a combination machine, bent in a press brake robot, and spot welded.

Front for 19-inch steel rack.
It has very advanced bending, with as many as 32 bends made from the same sheet of metal.

Designed sheet metal luminaire
-with color change controlled via an app. Made by Plåt & Mekano Romator.

Glue mixing machine
-for the woodworking industry. Mechanics, assembly, programming, and testing are done by P&M Romator.

Powder coated sheet metal protective grille.

Laser cut and edge pressed fixing plate
-in 2 mm aluminum.

Sheet metal cable tray
Made in 2 parts, punched and bent and lacquered.